Ivette Chavez Gonzalez is a Latina woman who is HIV-positive and used to use substances. She now does harm reduction work as a peer outreach worker, helping the community to see that there is a way out. She conducts mobile outreach and provides clean syringes in the community to help individuals reduce their risk of HIV transmission. She encourages HIV testing and provides education to people with HIV about the importance of taking HIV medication to stay healthy and to become and remain undetectable. Ivette is the CEO and founder of the Giving Back Foundation, an outreach and street-based grassroots organization built on the spirit of unconditional, radical love for those facing barriers to overall stability. The Foundation seeks to support the population’s basic needs to restore dignity and promote the well-being of the underserved. The vision of the Foundation is to build a community of care and love that assists New Yorkers impacted by drug use and/or homelessness to facilitate health equity, empowerment, and dignity.