Constituent Spotlight: Joe Gray

This is such an overwhelming feeling and such an honor to get to serve my Tribe, the HIV Community.  I am a young man from very humble beginnings and this is my truth. I have gone from being a hopeless Addict to an HIV Activist. April 10th 2015, Youth AIDS Day, is the day I got clean and moved into a 90 day homeless shelter for persons living with HIV here in Sacramento. I have done a lot of work on myself over the years so I could be where I am and I strive daily to be the person I needed when I was that young kinder-queer and newly diagnosed person living with HIV. I have gotten the opportunities to do some amazing and beautiful things after getting clean, such as being asked to represent Sacramento as a young gay man living with HIV at AIDSWATCH 2016 in Washington, DC where I advocated for HIV and AIDS funding in our country’s capital. I felt so overwhelmed, and in those moments, I learned about the power of my own story.

I cannot contain nor express in words the gratitude for the NMAC Youth Initiative Program, which has created a space for us young leaders to develop our personal leadership abilities though meaningful discussions and engaging in first-hand training from leaders in the HIV field. I became involved with the NMAC Youth Initiative Program based on a suggestion from a provider here at the clinic in Sacramento where I receive care. While at USCA 2016, I participated in various leadership trainings, dynamic discussions and, because of the training from NMAC, I have gained a confidence I never knew I had within myself. I have learned how to network and connect with other young leaders within the HIV field. I have been able to discover my leadership qualities and personal style. Soon after returning home from the program, I was a guest on POZIAM Radio speaking about my journey from Addict to Activist.

Later In 2017 I was asked to return as a Youth mentor. I made myself openly available to support, uplift, and encourage the youth scholars throughout the duration of our program and with their World AIDS Day projects and assisted with any questions they may have had.  While at USCA 2017, I felt it was important to build interpersonal relationships and deep connections with the other youth. I was able to help create space for them to engage in dynamic discussions about exploring the challenges we face as young leaders and creating networking opportunities, and shared community-based solutions. As we discover and collaborate on new ideas, we uplift and inspire each other’s community based work while redefining youth leadership as we wish to see it. We get to be the change we want to see in the world today.

While attending the Youth Initiative Program, we are given the space to cultivate the skills, abilities, and knowledge to formulate community-based efforts within the HIV community. Currently, I am putting all of what I have learned from Linda Scruggs, her team, and previous years with the Youth Program to work as the Lead on the planning committee for the One Love conference taking place at UC Berkley this year. One Love is a conference designed by young adults for young adults, ages 18-26, all of whom are living with HIV or AIDS. Participants will be engaged in complex discussions and workshop sessions about the unique issues they face with their diagnosis.

It is my hope that my experience will engage other young people living with HIV to know that there is life after diagnosis. We can dream and reach those dreams. We can have goals and achieve those goals. We can love and be loved. Most of all HIV has taught me how to love myself.

Important Happenings in HIV Policy

Important Happenings in
HIV/Health Policy

Week Ending: March 30, 2018
By: Matthew Rose & Sable K. Nelson


President Signed the FY18 Budget

On Friday, March 22, 2018, the President signed the bill that set the FY18 funding levels through September 30, 2018.  Flat-funding means maintaining the funding level from the previous fiscal year (FY17). Here’s a summary of what we currently know regarding how it impacts HIV/AIDS funding:

2017 Actual

2018 Estimated

Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) HIV, Hep, STD, TB line (Total) $1.117 M $1.127 M
Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA) Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (Total) $2.319 M $2.319 M
Housing and Urban Development  (HUD) Housing Opportunities for People with (HOPWA-Total) $356 M $375 M


  • The HIV portfolio of treatment and prevention programs were mostly flat-funded in FY18. We were able to see increases in the STD line to restore it to 2016 funding levels. There was also a 5 million increase in the funding for viral hepatitis. Furthermore there was a build increase of 19 million dollars to the HOPWA program. This is a WIN for the HIV community in this political climate (especially, since the Administration and the House of Representative proposed to cut and/or eliminate federal funding for certain HIV prevention and treatment programs in FY 2018).


OMB is reviewing a rule about the public charge

According to a draft of the proposal obtained by The Washington Post, the administration is seeking to further restrict immigration by changing the reach of the rules around “public charge.” It would change what can be used in a determination that would broaden range of factors when considering immigrants or their U.S.-citizen children are using public benefits or may be likely to do so. The proposed rule would force families, including citizen children, to choose between getting the help they need – like the Earned Income Tax Credit, ACA subsidy, CHIP and “WIC” nutrition assistance for babies and moms, medical care, and housing assistance – and reuniting with those they love or even keeping their families together. If adopted, this rule will make families choose between staying together and getting the health care they need, even for the family members who are US citizens.




New Director at the CDC

On Monday, March 26, 2018, Dr. Robert Redfield Jr. began his tenure as the new director of the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta. It is reported that while addressing senior CDC staff, Dr. Redfield stated that the AIDS epidemic could be ended within seven years and he pledged to bring the opioid crisis “to its knees.” Dr.Redfield has a complex history with the HIV community. He rose to prominence in the 1980s as a top researcher into the emerging AIDS epidemic and was most recently a medical school professor at the University of Maryland. However, Dr. Redfield has also been scrutinized for overstating the effectiveness of an experimental AIDS vaccine over two decades ago. NMAC and other organizations are cautiously optimistic to work the new director.

READ → ;


What NMAC is Doing About It

  • NMAC remains vigilant in its advocacy to protect FY19 government funding.
  • NMAC is has been meeting with legislators to work on FY 2019 funding levels
  • NMAC is preparing to for the release of the run around public charge and will be submitting comments
  • NMAC is planning a face-to-face meeting with the CDC Director in the near future


What You Can Do

TAKE ACTION: Many of you participated in AIDS Watch 2018 last week. Over 500 people from across the country travelled to Washington, DC to speak truth to power on Capitol Hill and share their personal stories with congressional staffers. It is vitally important to continue those efforts at the state level and speaking to your federal elected officials when they are at home. If we don’t support and advocate for HIV funding and programs, who will?  Our movement cannot afford to stand on the sidelines.  Your U.S. Senators and U.S. Representatives need to hear from you.


Also, MAKE SURE THAT YOU ARE REGISTERED TO VOTE in time for the primary and general elections happening this year:



Ohio 4/9/2018
North Carolina 4/13/2018
Pennsylvania 4/16/2018
West Virginia 4/17/2018
Idaho 4/20/2018
Arkansas 4/23/2018
Georgia 4/23/2018
Kentucky 4/23/2018
Oregon 4/24/2018
Nebraska 4/30/2018

For more information, VISIT→


NMAC Connection: Important Deadlines for You to Know!

USCA Abstract Submission Deadline is One Week Away!
Want to present at USCA? The deadline for submission of abstracts is now just eight days away on April 6!Whether you’re interested in convening a workshop or presenting a poster, your abstract must be submitted no later than 5:00 PM ESTon Friday, April 6.

Visit the USCA website for full information on the submission process, including a recording of our abstract submission webinar. We can’t wait to see what you send us. While we’re talking about USCA, are you interested in applying for a scholarship to attend? Join us for a webinar on April 11 to explain the process, including application deadlines, scholar responsibilities, and important dates.
Whether you’re interested in an Option A or B scholarship, an HIV 50+ Strong & Health scholarship, or a Social Media Fellowship, this webinar is for you. Register now.


Still Time to Apply for NMAC’s Youth Initiative 
There’s still time to apply for the eighth cycle of NMAC’s Youth Initiative program to train future leaders in the fight against the HIV epidemic. The seven-month program is open to applicants ages 18-25. Youth living with HIV or on PrEP, LGBTQ, youth of color, and young cis & trans women are particularly encouraged to apply. For more information or to apply, visit the NMAC website.
Applications are due by April 10.


Webinar on Multimorbidity and HIV+ Older Adults
Join us for “Why Are Older Adults with HIV at Increased Risk for Multimorbidity?,” a webinar from our Treatment division, on Friday, April 6, at 3:00 PM with national expert on HIV and aging, Dr. Stephen Karpiak. Register now.


2017 Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit Survey Deadline
Did you attend the 2017 Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit? Then we want to hear from you! If you haven’t already, please take a few minutes to fill out our survey on the Summit. We want to hear your feedback to make the 2018 Summit better. The deadline for the survey is April 10.

NMAC Connection: The Latest News From NMAC

Learn About the USCA Scholarship Process in April 11 Webinar

Interested in a scholarship to attend the US Conference on AIDS this year? Join us for a webinar on April 11 to explain the process, including application deadlines, scholar responsibilities, and important dates. Whether you’re interested in an Option A or B scholarship, an HIV 50+ Strong & Health scholarship, or a Social Media Fellowship, this webinar is for you.
Register now

Welcome Marissa Miller to the NMAC Family
NMAC is thrilled to welcome Marissa Miller to our family. As a
Program Coordinator, Marissa works in our Leadership Pipeline program, helping to train new leaders in the fight against HIV.  A native of Indiana, Marissa has been an active voice for the transgender community for years in Indiana and Chicago, where she worked at Howard Brown Health.
Marissa shared some of her thoughts about her work here at NMAC.

Join Us for a Webinar on Multimorbidity and HIV+ Older Adults
Join us for “Why Are Older Adults with HIV at Increased Risk for Multimorbidity?,” a webinar from our Treatment division, on Friday, April 6, at 3:00 PM with national expert on HIV and aging, Dr. Stephen Karpiak. As people living with HIV live longer, healthcare providers are spending less time managing HIV-related issues and more time managing age-associated illnesses. This webinar will explore this topic.
Register now!

We’re Hiring!
NMAC is hiring! If you’d like to come work with us, please check out our latest job opportunities.

NMAC’s Newest Voice – How Marissa Miller Makes Change

After a 10-hour drive and saying farewell to my beloved Midwest, I have found myself in Washington, DC. A year ago, this wasn’t my plan, but I have learned to listen to the universe and she told me to step into a new tomorrow. After all, for nearly 28 years I have spoken out as a voice in the Transgender communities, specifically Communities of Color, in Indianapolis, Chicago, and other spaces .

Being HIV-positive, Transgender, and Black has qualified me to have a voice. I believed, whether I understood it or not, from the very beginning that there was a very distinct need for my voice, and I was ready to use it.  A voice is a source of strength that can move others to make change…A VOICE so powerful…A VOICE so transparent…A VOICE so necessary…A VOICE not belonging to just me, but belonging to my people! As an advocate, I have often been mistakenly branded as angry. Yes, it was ANGER that fueled that initial Voice, but today PASSION and LOVE for my community is what now carries this voice.

I am thankful to the universe that my journey from anger to passion and love have positioned me as the first Transgender person on NMAC’s staff.  And not just a Transgender person, but a Transgender Woman of Color. Like with the first of anything, many eyes in both the HIV and transgender community will be paying attention.

Again, my focus at NMAC is not on me, the Transgender Woman of Color living with HIV. I came to NMAC to be a change agent and to work with other leaders as Program Coordinator in the Division of Leadership Pipeline. I am coming to support trailblazing opportunities for our community. I am coming to create additional collaborative partnerships in the fight to end HIV.

And I am coming to help NMAC fulfill its mission.

Women and HIV in the South

NMAC Connection: Invitation to CAPS

Would you consider applying to be part of NMAC’s Community Advisory Panels? This is a way too long recruitment letter to talk about our grand experiment. Applications are due March 23.. This newsletter explains NMAC’s vision and strategy to end the HIV epidemic.

NMAC leads with race to end the HIV epidemic in America.

We do it by urgently fighting for health equity and racial justice via our continued commitment to build leaders of color, our focused role within the HIV community on race, and its impact on HIV care and prevention, and by our survival when so many other agencies have closed their doors. In 1987 we started with a commitment to building leaders of color with the skills, connections, and savvy to fight. Today, NMAC continues to build leaders and ask them to focus on race and its impacts on HIV care, treatment, and prevention. NMAC does not do anti-racism work. There are many organizations with more experience and qualifications. To be effective, anti-racism work has to focus on white people. NMAC builds the skills and tells the stories of people of color.


In 2014-15, NMAC’s updated strategic plan changed our name, mission, and vision. During this time, America also saw the rise of the Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and MeToo movements. Like these causes, NMAC fights for a world that is fair and equitable; however, our fight is focused/limited to ending the HIV epidemic in America. We are not here to end racism. We are here to examine how race impacts HIV care, treatment, and prevention. The majority of Americans living with HIV are people of color, yet 74 percent of the people on PrEP are white. This inequity is why NMAC fights for comprehensive biomedical HIV prevention for all communities highly impacted by HIV.

There are many ways to lead with race. NMAC believes that building the skills of leaders of color, standing up within the HIV movement, and surviving the difficult years is how NMAC leads with race. Will you join our grand experiment?  Online applications are due March 23 to be on NMAC’s new Community Advisory Panels (CAP).

This is a real program that needs real commitments. Your input will influence the workshops, plenaries, and scholarship decisions for both USCA and the Summit.

I’m going to stop before I lose you. An extended version of the letter can be found here.  Thank you for your consideration.

Yours in the struggle,

Paul Kawata
(202)  277-2777
Executive Director

NMAC Connection Update

Would you consider applying to be part of NMAC’s Community Advisory Panels? This is a way too long recruitment letter to talk about our grand experiment. Applications are due March 23. This post explains NMAC’s vision and strategy to end the HIV epidemic.


NMAC leads with race to end the HIV epidemic in America

We do it by urgently fighting for health equity and racial justice via our continued commitment to build leaders of color, our focused role within the HIV community on race, and its impact on HIV care and prevention, and by our survival when so many other agencies have closed their doors. In 1987 we started with a commitment to building leaders of color with the skills, connections, and savvy to fight. Today, NMAC continues to build leaders and ask them to focus on race and its impacts on HIV care, treatment, and prevention. NMAC does not do anti-racism work. There are many organizations with more experience and qualifications. To be effective, anti-racism work has to focus on white people. NMAC builds the skills and tells the stories of people of color.


In 2014-15, NMAC’s updated strategic plan changed our name, mission, and vision. During this time, America also saw the rise of the Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, and MeToo movements. Like these causes, NMAC fights for a world that is fair and equitable; however, our fight is focused/limited to ending the HIV epidemic in America. We are not here to end racism. We are here to examine how race impacts HIV care, treatment and prevention. The majority of Americans living with HIV are people of color, yet 74 percent of the people on PrEP are white. This inequity is why NMAC fights for comprehensive biomedical HIV prevention for all communities highly impacted by HIV.

To help in your deliberative process, here is how NMAC’s divisions lead with race. We have five programmatic divisions: Leadership Pipeline, Communications, Treatment, Capacity Building, and Conferences. In our work to lead with race, I thought it would be important for you to have all the information. CAPs is a real program that will make real requests of your time. Your input will influence the workshops, plenaries, and scholarship decisions for both USCA and the Summit. Here is more information on the program.


Leadership Pipeline

The Leadership Pipeline leads with race through its BLOC (Building Leaders of Color Living with HIV) initiative. This work builds the leadership skills of people of color living with HIV. These trainings focus on how race impacts living with the virus. The goal is to build strong leaders of color living with HIV who can take on expanded roles in our movement. NMAC works with these leaders to examine how racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, and HIV-phobia impacts their lives and their leadership. Partners include the Positive Women’s Network, Thrive SS, Transgender Law Centerand the US PLHIV Caucus

The Pipeline also has a multiyear Youth Initiative. While the program is not exclusively for youth of color, it works to insure the full participation of minority youth. Additionally, the program educates about race and its impact on HIV. The Youth Initiative is supported by ViiV Healthcare, Advocates for Youth, and the Magic Johnson Foundation. There are many ways to lead with race. Our work does not have to be race specific in order to accomplish our mission.



The communication department leads with race via its Community Spotlight webinars and e-newsletters. This new, focused effort tells the stores of NMAC’s African American, Asian/Pacific Islander, Latinx, and Native American constituents. Using their historic awareness months as a guide, NMAC has set February to focus on African Americans, May on Asian/Pacific Islanders, October on Latinx, and November on Native Americans.

NMAC’s Community Spotlight holds webinars and sends out e-newsletters that tells the stories of people of color leaders who might be forgotten or overlooked. NMAC commits to presenting the diversity of our movement with stories from women, gay men, the transgender community, people living with HIV, people on PrEP, and geographic regions that are highly impacted by HIV. Our goal is to inspire, educate, and memorialize the movement of people of color leaders fighting to end HIV. All of our stories deserve to be told.

In addition to the focus on communities of color, the Community Spotlight also sets aside March to talk about women, April for Youth, and June for the LGBT community.  Storytelling plays an important role in minority communities, it’s how we share our history and pass down our values. NMAC’s Community Spotlight is a modern take on story telling: to educate, inspire, and memorialize the HIV history of people of color using technology. 



The Treatment division highlights the role that race plays in HIV treatment, care, and prevention. NMAC is very concerned that people of color are under represented on PrEP and over represented in new cases of HIV. This division connects, examines, and discusses linkages between race and HIV services via Strong Communities, PrEP Summit & programming, and our initiative for People over 50 living with HIV.


Strong CommunitiesStrong Communities is a deeper dive into six southern cities to document how race impacts access to HIV services. NMAC documents the barriers facing people of color living with HIV to get the HIV services they need. This fall, Treatment will produce a best practice guide for community organizations that examines racial equity in services for PLWH.


While the Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit is not specific to communities of color, NMAC ensures that the voices of our constituents are part of the larger biomedical HIV prevention discussion. We lead with race by highlighting the challenges that people of color face to access PrEP and by raising concerns about the low retention rates of people of color living with HIV in healthcare. This year we will expand the discussion to include Trauma Informed Care. NMAC believes the trauma of racism directly impacts people of color’s willingness to access PrEP or stay in healthcare and on meds. This April, NMAC will have a PrEP Learning Collaborative on access and retention on PrEP within communities of color. Information gathered and vetted at the Collaborative will be the foundation of a best practices manual on community implemented PrEP enrollment programs for people of color slated to be released at the Summit. 


HIV 50NMAC’s Over 50 Living with HIV is not minority specific, but NMAC insures the voices of people of color are well represented.  Isolation and depression are unfortunately too common for too many. Some minority communities hold on to old fashioned beliefs about depression that leads to this disease being under diagnosed with years of needless pain because treatment was delayed.  People of color make-up the majority of people over 50 living with HIV. Building this community’s leadership will create networks of leaders of color who will be asked to help inform NMAC’s programming and be real examples of how to overcome the challenges of getting older with HIV. Through NMAC’s limited mini grant program, they’ve already putting together retreats, social events, support groups, and other efforts to reach their peers. NMAC believes when these leaders heal their community they heal themselves.


PolicyEducation logoHIV Policy

HIV policy work is housed in NMAC’s Treatment division. Most of NMAC’s efforts happen in partnership with AIDS United, NASTAD, NCSD, and The AIDS Institute. In this coalition, NMAC brings the voice of people of color to the table. Our primary focus is the federal domestic HIV portfolio. For NMAC, the partnership is about working collaboratively to address mutual concerns. After the 2016 election, the agency was very concerned about the future. In this political environment, we are stronger together.

NMAC also works closely with Federal AIDS Policy Partnership (FAPP). Established in 2002, FAPP is a national coalition of local, regional, and national organizations advocating for progressive federal HIV/AIDS legislation and policy. FAPP members are organizations that devote significant resources in support of federal HIV/AIDS public policy advocacy.

New this year is NMAC’s informal Congressional Briefings. In February we held one that spotlighted the African American community. In March it will be Native Americans. May will spotlight Asian/Pacific Islanders and October the Latinx community.  NMAC leads with race by bringing the stories of our constituents to Congress. Each briefing features the diversity of leaders including people living with HIV, executive directors of minority AIDS organizations, women (cis & trans), and gay men.


Capacity Building

NMAC is a Centers for Disease Control capacity building provider for community-based organizations. We provide services to a variety of CBOs, most of whom are not minority, but have a large minority clientele and/or staff. Recently, Capacity Building started to do limited work on how race impacts the work place. This work focuses on non-minority mangers work with people of color staff.

This division also has a PrEP program that focuses on youth. In the near future, the agency will need to address how communities and services get shared and divided between programs. Right now, I’m following the “throw a thousand seeds and see what sprouts” theory. Rather than be concerned about overlap, I want to see what programs survive in this challenging funding environment. While NMAC does support new initiatives with its limited unrestricted funds, long term support is needed to make any effort viable


The United States Conference on AIDS is NMAC’s most visible program. While not specific for people of color, most attendees understand and expect NMAC to put race front and center when producing workshops and plenaries. These meetings are produced by people of color who lead with race. We are not an afterthought at USCA and the Summit.

In 2018 USCA will bring back the Race Institutes that will be developed by our new Constituent Advisory Panels (CAPs). CAPs are also NMAC’s newest programming to lead with race. By reading abstracts, reviewing plenary concepts, and making scholarship decisions, NMAC extends its commitment to building leaders while also learning from these individuals.

There are many ways to lead with race. NMAC believes that building the skills of leaders of color, standing up within the HIV movement, and surviving the difficult years is how NMAC leads with race to end the HIV epidemic in America. Will you join our grand experiment?  Online applications are due March 23 to be on NMAC’s new Community Advisory Panels (CAP). Hopefully, this long message will help you better understand our vision and mission to end HIV in America.

NMAC Connection: Recognizing Native HIV Awareness Day

National Native HIV Awareness Day is March 20
From time to time, we will feature voices from outside NMAC to talk about their communities and their work. This week, in honor of National Native HIV Awareness Day, we’re proud to spotlight Shana Christensen, a member of the Kiowa tribe in Oklahoma and a long-term HIV survivor and advocate.

There is a saying in Lakota that I really love: “Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ.” It means “All my Relations.” I’m not Lakota. We don’t have that saying in Kiowa, which is the tribe I hail from. Nevertheless, It’s always struck a chord with me. When I think about all the other Natives who are living with HIV, they feel like my family, even if I haven’t met them yet. Native Americans represent some two percent of the US population, yet in many areas of the country, our HIV rates as a race are super high, above whites and in some places, second highest.
> Read more from Shana                                                                                  Photo by Jeremy Charles                                                                                                                                                    

Want to Submit an Abstract for USCA? Join our Re-Scheduled Webinar March 20
As some of you know, we had some technical difficulties with our March 7 webinar on submitting an abstract for USCA. We’ve worked to iron those problems out and have re-scheduled the webinar for Tuesday, March 20, at 3:00 PM EST. Join us and find out more about this process. And, once again, our apologies for the difficulties to all of those who joined us on March 7.
Register now!

Join Us for “Women and HIV in the South” Webinar March 21

Register now for the latest webinar in our Community Spotlight Series on March 21 at 3:00 PM EST. Gina Brown, Community Organizer for the Southern AIDS Coalition, will join us to talk about Women and HIV in the South.
Register now!

One Week Left to Join NMAC’s Constituent Advisory Panels

Next Friday, March 23, is the deadline to apply to join NMAC’s Constituent Advisory Panels (CAPs). CAPs will advise NMAC on workshops, institutes, plenaries, and scholarship decisions for the 2018 USCA and Summit.
For more information and to apply for CAP membership, visit our website.

NMAC Connection: NMAC Honors National Native American HIV Awareness Day

National Native HIV Awareness Day is March 20
From time to time, we will feature voices from outside NMAC to talk about their communities and their work. This week, in honor of National Native HIV Awareness Day, we’re proud to spotlight Shana Christensen, a member of the Kiowa tribe in Oklahoma and a long-term HIV survivor and advocate.

There is a saying in Lakota that I really love: “Mitákuye Oyás’iŋ.” It means “All my Relations.” I’m not Lakota. We don’t have that saying in Kiowa, which is the tribe I hail from. Nevertheless, It’s always struck a chord with me. When I think about all the other Natives who are living with HIV, they feel like my family, even if I haven’t met them yet. Native Americans represent some two percent of the US population, yet in many areas of the country, our HIV rates as a race are super high, above whites and in some places, second highest.

> Read more from Shana                                                                                                                       Photo by Jeremy Charles

Want to Submit an Abstract for USCA? Join our         Re-Scheduled Webinar March 20
As some of you know, we had some technical difficulties with our March 7 webinar on submitting an abstract for USCA. We’ve worked to iron those problems out and have re-scheduled the webinar for Tuesday, March 20, at 3:00 PM EST. Join us and find out more about this process. And, once again, our apologies for the difficulties to all of those who joined us on March 7.
 > Register now!

Join Us for “Women and HIV in the South” Webinar March 21
Register now for the latest webinar in our Community Spotlight Series on March 21 at 3:00 PM EST. Gina Brown, Community Organizer for the Southern AIDS Coalition, will join us to talk about Women and HIV in the South.
Register now!

One Week Left to Join NMAC’s Constituent Advisory Panels
Next Friday, March 23, is the deadline to apply to join NMAC’s Constituent Advisory Panels (CAPs). CAPs will advise NMAC on workshops, institutes, plenaries, and scholarship decisions for the 2018 USCA and Summit.
For more information and to apply for CAP membership, visit our website.