Danielle Miguel (she/her/hers) is a Bay Area Health Advocate at Asian Health Services (AHS) in Oakland, CA. She serves patients through pre-clinic counseling and HIV testing, teaching comprehensive sex education, and training youth in programs focusing on HIV, hepatitis, and substance use. Danielle’s passion in community health is influenced by her experiences growing up in San Francisco’s Sunnydale neighborhood and East Bay cities Richmond & San Pablo — places where low-income communities of color face inequities in health, education, and other aspects of life. Outside of NMAC and AHS, Danielle spends her free time working with Banteay Srei, an organization dedicated to empowering young Southeast Asian women against domestic violence and trafficking, and organizing webinars for Filipinx in Medicine. She is currently pursuing to become a physician assistant who specializes in women’s health and HIV. Danielle hopes to redirect power from systems back to community, where those underserved can flourish, thrive, and lead.