What A Summit!

1,033 people attended the 2022 Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit. Thank you to everyone who made the meeting a success. After two years of isolation, I needed this meeting more than I realized. My chosen family heals my soul.

Buttons were the favorite swag. People wore them to signal their comfort hugging. I appreciate everyone who choose to wear a mask, as COVID is not over. There was only one request for a rapid COVID test and we don’t know the results. NMAC is committed to transparency. Our relationship is built on decades of trust and collaboration. That means sharing information no matter how difficult. If you got COVID please let us know so we can inform others.

Thank you for all the emails and social media posts. I agree it was good to be back together. Pictures posted on Facebook and Instagram document the diversity of our movement. A White friend shared that NMAC’s meetings were an important experience of what it means to be “other.” To be in a space where you are not the majority can be humbling and scary. It is important to understand, support, and, dare I say, love the communities our movement needs to reach. HIV introduced colleagues from different worlds and my life is so much richer. COVID gave a renewed appreciation for our friendships. Thank you for joining us in Chicago, it was amazing to be back together.

I did not speak at this year’s Summit. That was purposeful. At some point I’m retiring (this is not an announcement), so the agency works to bring new voices to the table, particularly NMAC employees. I’m proud and blessed to have staff who don’t need me. This allows me to be me. After 33 years on the job, it is still an amazing privilege to speak truth to power, to talk about race and not hide behind the “social determinants of health,” to celebrate being gay without the cover of “men having sex with men.” The Black AIDS Institute calls out being unapologetically Black in its solutions to end the epidemic and I’m there for it. NMAC works hard to make our meetings a safe space where people can be themselves. Right now, the world is very scary. It’s good to be with family during these difficult moments.

There was the public meeting and then there are the conversations that happened privately. In the past, people of color were mostly tokenized in these chats. We got to the table because Reggie Williams, Kiyoshi Kuromiya, Dennis deLeon, Marty Prairie, Janet Mitchell, and many others fought for us. NMAC’s backdoor discussions were about the Minority AIDS Initiative and the President’s national PrEP initiative. These two issues are intertwined with our fight for racial justice and health equity to end the HIV epidemic. History will judge what happened to the Minority AIDS Initiative, so we are fighting to make sure that lesson does not repeat.

I’m writing publicly about these conversations because there are millions and in the case of a national PrEP initiative, billions on the table. We desperately need a united front. This will be a test of our movement’s leadership. The fact that our struggle happens in the middle of the fight for the soul of America is not missed on me. It’s time to get busy. Right now, solutions are being considered that will impact our ability to end the HIV epidemic in America.

Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata

*Rita, thank you for the picture! We look good.

Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility

We are one thousand strong at this year’s Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit in Chicago. Here is the agenda. We look forward to seeing everyone at the Sheraton Grand Riverwalk Chicago. It’s been a long time. However, COVID is not over, and everyone must take care. While participants are required to show proof of vaccination in advance, there are no guarantees. NMAC is particularly concerned about people who are immune compromised.

Hotel staff are wearing masks at NMAC’s request. There will be outdoor spaces to eat meals; however, the temperature will be cool. Bring a jacket or sweater. If you are not feeling well, stay home or in your hotel room. Contact the conference office if you need a “free” COVID test. Anyone with COVID will be required to isolate until they test negative.

The Summit is not only an opportunity to learn the latest on biomedical HIV prevention, but also a place to build a movement. This year’s Summit includes many new leaders looking for programs that reach and keep their communities healthy. This year there are large delegations from:

  • Chicago House
  • Arianna’s Center
  • Indian Health Service
  • NMAC’s Young Gay Men of Color PrEP fellows
  • NMAC’s Storytelling Project

President Biden put forward a budget recommendation for a new national PrEP plan. Conversations about the plan and PrEP will likely dominate the gathering. While NMAC is very thankful for the President’s plan, we ask our movement to consider the following:

  1. Differences in opinion about PrEP program priorities
  2. Very heavy lift in Congress

NMAC is concerned that current PrEP programs miss too many people of color. The data say that 42% of the new cases of HIV are among African Americans, yet only 8% of the people on PrEP are Black. 29% of new cases are Latinx while only 14% of the people on PrEP are Latinx. White Americans are 28.5% of new cases of HIV and 63% of the people on PrEP. I was challenged figuring out PrEP utilization for Native Americans, Alaska Natives, Asians, Native Hawaiians, or Pacific Islanders. How do we fix PrEP for communities of color?

Even if community agrees on a pathway forward, there is still a very heavy lift in Congress. As part of his FY23 budget recommendations, President Biden put $213 million in mandatory spending for a new national PrEP Initiative. Over the next 10 years this program is budgeted at $9.8 billion. While I believe our movement has some of the best policy staff working the Hill, the “mandatory” nature of this spending makes it a unique challenge to pass in Congress.

In other words, there is plenty to discuss and lots of concerns. Special thank you to Gilead, ViiV, and MISTR for their support of the meeting, the faculty for sharing the latest information on biomedical HIV prevention, the Chicago Host Committee, attendees for traveling during this confusing time, and NMAC’s staff for making this meeting a reality.

I just got my fourth booster, so I’m feeling ready. For everyone staying home, I completely understand. We are trying our best to keep everyone safe but, as we’ve learned from safer sex education, safety is everyone’s responsibility. We are not just looking out for ourselves; we must also care for other attendees.


Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

We’re Coming Back!

Like so many organizations, NMAC has worked remotely over the last two years. Recently, we held our first in-person all staff retreat. It was a trial run for the in-person opportunities and challenges at the 2022 Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit. Honestly, I was a little nervous. It’s been 24 months of seeing everyone only in those little zoom boxes. How would it be to come together? Would we find our groove or has the work paradigm completely transformed?

I’m sharing because, in three weeks, we are gathering in Chicago for the 2022 Summit. For many of us, this will be our first big gathering. It is hard to know what to expect and initially the meeting might be very socially awkward. With the BA2 variant, there are real concerns. As we learned during the early days of safer sex education, there are no guarantees. Condoms offered a high level of protection, but they are not fool proof. Please use good judgement. If you are not feeling well, stay home or in your hotel room.

Here’s the thing about the in-person all staff meeting: after some initial awkwardness, it was great to see everyone. We easily fell back into our groove and realized how much we missed each other. At the same time, we learned how COVID has changed the nature of how we work. NMAC has the privilege of working remotely and I don’t think we will be going back regularly into an office. Being together was valuable and I missed the unscheduled interactions with staff, but the commute is hell. If anything, we are more productive working from home.

Here are some of the guidelines to help make the Summit safer for everyone:

  1. Everyone must register and show proof of vaccination in advance of attending the meeting. Due to the need to confirm vaccination for each registrant, there will be no onsite registration. Registration will close and vaccine confirmation must be done by Friday, April 8. Vaccine confirmation must be done on this website.  If we do not receive vaccine credentials, registrants will not be allowed entry,
  2. Masks are encouraged but not required. The Summit will follow the City of Chicago’s COVID requirements. Nobody should be “shamed” if they choose to wear a mask.
  3. Rapid tests are available for free onsite. If you are not feeling well, please stay home or in your hotel room. Contract the conference office for the test.
  4. Hugs OK, Elbow, or Do Not Touch indications will be written on the bottom of name tags. Please honor attendees’ boundaries and understand we are all in difference places,
  5. NMAC has a COVID protocol should anyone get sick. Contact the conference office for support. Our policy requires anyone who tests positive for COVID to isolate until they get a negative test.
  6. NMAC will support additional hotel nights for scholarship recipients who test positive for COVID. Other attendees will be required to cover their own costs.

We will be 1,000 strong in Chicago. There are critical issues and organizing needed to move our work. COVID has been a real setback and there are many unknowns about the current state of the epidemic. Has COVID isolation resulted in more or less HIV? Looking at the STD numbers is very concerning. Getting ready for Chicago might create some anxiety. That should be expected. It’s been a long time since we’ve been together. After two years of zoom calls, I’m not sure how to act around real people whom I can hug. Like most things in our work, we will get through this together.

Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

Dear President Biden

President Joe Biden
The White House
Washington, DC

Dear President Biden,

Thank you for your steady hand during these difficult times. With the world on fire, it is easy to become overwhelmed and scared. Your FY23 budget sent an important message about your commitment to end the HIV epidemic. Your initial commitment or $213 million in mandatory funding to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) Delivery Program to End the HIV epidemic is a critical step to bring the promise of PrEP to all communities highly impacted by HIV. And, most importantly, thank you for your overall commitment for $9.8 billion in funding over 10 years to guarantee PrEP at no cost for all uninsured and underinsured individuals.

Disappointingly, the request misses an opportunity to combat record high STDS like gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphillis. NMAC strongly urges Congress to supplement the President’s request with significant additional resources to combat rising STD rates and for the Administration to support this increase through the Congressional process.

Now the HIV community must work quickly with Congress to pass the budget. With all the divisions on the Hill and the midterm elections this fall, our window is short. Passing the budget will be a very heavy lift and there are no guarantees. NMAC is ready and willing to do what it takes; however, this needs to be a team effort that includes national, state, and local partners. NMAC will prioritize community and the important voices of people of color, particularly those living with HIV.

In anticipation of your budget, NMAC’s board of directors authorized spending reserve funds to support additional beltway professionals. We are going full Washington, DC in partnership with AIDS United, NASTAD, NCSD, and the AIDS Institute. For a small minority organization like NMAC, this is a big deal. I am so proud the board was willing to take this risk with no guarantees. We sold our corporate headquarters a few years back, the money from this sale created our rainy-day nest egg. NMAC is betting a portion of our future on passing the FY23 budget. That’s how much we believe in this administration and our movement.

A PrEP delivery program must work hand in glove with our efforts to Ending the Epidemic, but the devil is in the details. As the data show, African Americans make up 45% of the new cases of HIV, yet they are only 8% of the people on PrEP. In the near term, NMAC will put together a series of recommendations on program implementation, but right now we wanted to say thank you. I came to Washington in 1985 to fight an epidemic that was killing people I loved. I never imaged I would still be here in 2022. Passing your FY23 budget is an important next step for our work to end the HIV epidemic. Thank you for believing in the science of PrEP and the need to bring this important tool to all the communities highly impacted by HIV.

Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 20 was National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. On this important day, NMAC stands in solidarity with Native communities as they work to end the HIV and Hepatitis epidemics. As part of NMAC’s 35th Anniversary, I wanted to share the story of Ron Rowell. Ron was not only the founder of the National Native American AIDS Prevention Center, he was also an original NMAC board member. Ron told his story as part of the 2020 International AIDS Conference. Back in the ’90s, we were part of a cabal of people of color working to fight and collaborate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as they built the CDC’s community planning process. Other leaders included Reggie Williams from the National Task Force on AIDS Prevention and Charlene Dora Ortiz from San Antonio. We were a powerful and hell raising coalition of people of color who understood the value of collaboration.

NMAC is fortunate to work with so many leaders in the American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders.

Christopher J. Paisano (above left) is NMAC’s program coordinator for Indian Country. His email is CPaisano@nmac.org or 202-997-0396. Christopher is a member of the Navajo Nation and lives in Fort Defiance, Arizona –  the Navajo Nation. He is Kinlichiiní (Red House People Clan) and born for Tohtsoni (Big Water People Clan). His maternal grandfather’s clan is Taachiiní and his paternal grandfather’s clan are Haatbani Hanuu from Laguna Pueblo. Brenda Hunt (above right) is a long term NMAC board member from the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina.
American Indian and Alaska Native CAP Members

Here is the American Indian and Alaska Native Community Advisory Panels (CAP). Its members include (from left to right by row): Kerry Hawk Lessard (upper left), of the Shawnee tribe and the Executive Director of Native American Lifelines;  Savannah Gene (upper middle), a proud member of Diné Nation. She is Totsóhnii (Big Water Clan), born for Hashk’áánhadzohí (Yucca Fruit Strung Out in a Line Clan). Her maternal grandfathers are Ta’neeszahnii (Tangle People Clan) and her paternal grandfathers are Tł’izíłání (Many Goats Clan). Next is Sheldon Raymore, a member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe.

In the second row is Kurt Begaye, Diné Nation who is Hashk’ááhadzohí (Yucca Strung Out on a Line Clan), born for Tó’aheedliinii (Water Flow Together Clan). His maternal grandfather is Naashgalí Dine’é (Mescalero Apache People), and his paternal grandfather is Tł’ááshchí’í (Red Bottom People). Finally, we have Greg Gurrola, of the San Carlos Apache Tribe is from Phoenix, AZ, and currently lives in San Diego, CA.
Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander CAP Members

Our Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders CAP includes (from left to right by row): Vince Aguon from Guam; Keiva Lei Candena, a Native Hawaiian born in Hawaii and currently lives in the San Francisco Bay Area; Kuane Dreier from Hawaii; Cathy Kapua from the leeward side of O’ahu, Hawaii; Carolyn Kualii who is Hawaiian/Apaches; Bianka Tasaka, Mahu Wahine and Mahu Kane; and David Utuone, a gay Sāmoan HIV advocate who has been living with HIV since 2014.

I honor and thank these leaders. Our movement is very diverse. Our work to end the HIV epidemic must be a big tent.

Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

NMAC’s 35th Anniversary



2022 is NMAC’s (formerly National Minority AIDS Council) thirty-fifth anniversary as a leader in the fight to end the HIV epidemic in America. Our history is filled with the stories of heroes in the struggle. Over the next 10 months, the agency will talk about our founders, and outline the challenges and opportunities facing our work to end the epidemic.

By all reasonable standards, NMAC should not have survived. We have no big individual donors. Most of our support comes from the government and too few corporations. Like many minority-led agencies, our dependence on government/corporate funding makes us vulnerable. As we have witnessed, many of our peers closed their doors when government priorities shifted. Addressing this inequity is a 2022 priority for NMAC. We are working with the Black AIDS Institute, Latino Commission on AIDS, and the San Francisco Community Health Center to bring a portion of the Minority AIDS Initiative back to its original congressional Intent. We’ve hired Dr. Maya Cummings to lead the charge. COVID has once again exposed health disparities in communities of color. It is time to build a healthcare infrastructure that addresses these inequities. Ending the HIV epidemic in America should leave a legacy of prevention, healthcare, housing, and wrap around services in all the communities hardest hit by HIV. These services could be the foundation for improving the quality of life for all communities. Yes, we are thinking beyond HIV.

If COVID has taught us nothing else, we’ve learned it is important to have a healthcare infrastructure and wrap around services that are nimble and flexible with services that can pivot to any new challenges facing the world. That is the lesson from HIV: how to take something horrible to do something good. We have spent decades building an HIV infrastructure it would be foolish to dismantle. Once again HIV can lead by not only ending the HIV epidemic, but also working on the vanguard to determine best practices to pivot to any new challenge. COVID exposed our vulnerabilities. 2022 is about rethinking that paradigm.

What helped NMAC survive was our conferences. I’ve done a version of USCHA since 1987 when it started as the National Skills Building Conference. Conferences and meetings create an unrestricted funding stream that covers expenses that cannot be charged to the government or corporations. NMAC runs some of the largest meetings in our movement and we do it by prioritizing the communities hardest hit by HIV. Our meetings are more than another boring conference; our gatherings are a family reunion.

People hardest hit by HIV live at the intersection of HIVphobia, racism, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, and sexphobia. Too many have been rejected by their birth families, so NMAC works to build a family of choice, a family who will embrace and celebrate the diversity of our movement and its authenticity. No judgements, just love and respect. It is so simple in theory but, with the current culture wars, difficult to implement. In a world where “don’t say gay” is real, how do we educate about HIV? It is also a difficult time for too many of the communities we need to reach. The United States Conference on HIV/AIDS and the Biomedical HIV Prevention Summit are safe havens. It is not easy to do, and we often get it wrong, but we never give up. I think that’s part of the reason we’ve still here; we acknowledge our mistakes and work to do better. Quite frankly, the expectations on NMAC are the same expectations for health departments and federal agencies. We expect you to be our safe haven, a place where we are more than tolerated, we are celebrated. How to do it in this political environment will be a challenge, especially given what is happening in certain states.

When state or federal rules prevent you from saying certain things, maybe it’s time to use community. With a new national PrEP initiative, your ability to reach us is key to success. From NMAC’s perspective it is less about cost and more about outreach, particularly community-based outreach. I know I’ve been complaining about the lack of people of color on PrEP, but the latest numbers tell me to be concerned about the overall lack of people on PrEP. How do we reach the targets in the updated National HIV/AIDS Strategy and do it in a syndemic way with STDs and Hepatitis? NMAC looks to the White House for leadership as they prioritize community to figure out solutions.

I want to thank everyone who made these 35 years possible. NMAC gets to survive and` thrive because key leaders stood up and vouched for us at critical times. This work is very personal, sometimes too personal. I continue to fight in memory of all the friends I lost. They are too many to remember and they still haunt my dreams, but it’s getting better. Work at NMAC is how I move beyond the PSTD from the early days. I don’t think I will ever fully heal, but this work teaches me how to live with the loss by working to end the HIV epidemic in America.

Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

National Women & Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day

March 10 is National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. On this important day, NMAC stands in solidarity with women (cis and transgender women) living with HIV and the women working to end the HIV epidemic in America. They make NMAC a force of nature and this is my love letter to all the women in our movement. As a cisgender man, I will never fully understand what it means to be a cisgender Women or a Women of Transgender experience, but that does not mean I can’t stand in solidarity and support all women. Their stories are the fabric of our movement, both as people living with HIV and as the care and service backbone of our work. Portions of this e-newsletter were published last November, but on #NWGHAAD I wanted to update.

Women have always played a critical role at NMAC. Suki Terada Ports is not only my mother in the movement, she is also one of the founders of NMAC. Like many mothers, she drives me crazy, and I am inspired by her courage to stand up and speak her truth to power. Suki always reminded me to stand up for women. She was on the board of WARN (Women’s AIDS Resource Network) and Iris House. She was also the reason I fight so hard against the label of “other.” Suki understood the importance of counting American Indian, Alaska Natives, Asians, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders in HIV epi profiles. Recently Suki received the Emperor of Japan’s Order of the Rising Sun, Gold, and Silver Rays. Suki is so much more than these words, Suki is the mother to many women, American Indian, Alaska Natives, Asians, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islanders leaders. She gave me the courage and acceptance that was not given by my family.

A Social Worker by profession, Marie Saint Cyr was the founding executive director of WARN (Women’s AIDS Resource Network) and Iris House and a founding NMAC board member. Marie was a fierce advocate for her communities, particularly Haitians and women. She went back to Haiti after the earthquakes to help rebuild her country. At NMAC board meetings, she was always the voice of reason and the person who wanted to make sure that NMAC’s work benefited the communities most in need. I’ve lost touch with Marie. Please forward this e-newsletter to her, tell her I miss her and would love to talk. That’s the thing about this work: there are some amazing people who come in and out of your life. While I want to hold them close, I also understand that she has her path. Even if we are apart, she continues to shape NMAC’s fight to always prioritize community.

Rashidah Abdul-Khabeer (formerly Hassan) has spent most of her life in Philadelphia, where she grew up amidst the social change and political ferment of the 1950s and 1960s. She began to volunteer with Philadelphia AIDS groups, which were primarily oriented toward white gay men, and became frustrated with their apparent unwillingness to develop specific outreach and education efforts for African Americans. In 1985 she founded Blacks Educating Blacks About Sexual Health Issues (BEBASHI), one of the country’s first black AIDS service organizations. She is also a founding NMAC board member.


Sandra Singleton McDonald, affectionately known as “Ms. Mac” is President and Founder of OUTREACH, INC., the first minority community-based organization established in Georgia to provide HIV/AIDS and drug treatment and prevention services to African American communities. Established in 1986 out of the trunk of her car, the agency has served more than 6,500 clients for over 30 years. Sandra has also consulted with the National Football League, National Basketball Association, and the National Basketball Players Association. She is also a founding NMAC board member.



Some amazing women of historical note have been on our board including NMAC’s Honorary Board Chair Patti LaBelle. Ms. Patti was part of NMAC’s HIV treatment education campaign on PCP. She lent her voice, talent, and money to help build NMAC. The legendary jazz singer Nancy Wilson joined our board in 2005. Her concert to celebrate NMAC ‘s 20th Anniversary is still on YouTube.

Mrs. Coretta Scott King attended both USCA and our Community Planning Leadership Summit. It was at the USCA in Atlanta that Mrs. King hosted a reception where the Civil Rights Movement saluted the HIV movement. She brought icons from her struggle to the Opening USCA reception in order to build bridges and understanding about the linkages between our movements. Mrs. King brought a voice of love and compassion for people living with HIV/AIDS at a time when too many other leaders had turned their backs.

Women play a central leadership role at NMAC and within our movement. While there is not enough space to share everyone’s story, here are just a small fraction of the women who make NMAC the agency our movement needs to end the epidemic. Here are the women at NMAC. We are a better agency because of their leadership.

I am so grateful to stand with these women. They are the heart and soul of NMAC and our movement. Thank you.


Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

When I Get Scared

When I get fearful or scared, my go-to response is usually anger. Right now, there are many scary things. As a result, I’ve spent a good portion of the last two years very angry. And just as we were about to stop wearing masks, Russia invades Ukraine. Any joy for this next phase of COVID was replaced by concern, helplessness, and astonishment.

The invasion is just the latest in a series of challenges that are outside of our control but directly impact feelings of safety. I worry and wonder about what matters. How do you know the right path when everything seems wrong? While I am strong, after COVID, Black Lives Matter, police killing of Black men, violence against Asians, particularly older Asian women, Jan. 6th, inflation, masks, vaccines, boosters, climate change, wildfires, killing of transgender women, Afghanistan, affirmative action, abortion, Supreme Court nominations, don’t say gay, books being banned, and the constant battle for the soul of our country, I am also fearful, exhausted, and over it.

A news program showed people in Kyiv learning how to make Molotov cocktails while they randomly handed out guns so people can fight back. Could I be that brave? One month ago, the people of Ukraine had no idea of Putin’s plans or how their world would be turned completely upside down. Thanks to cell phones and the internet, the revolution will all be broadcast in real time. These videos will shine a light on the atrocities of war. The whole world is watching.

I’m not a particularly religious man, but I find myself calling out to God. Help me to understand the lesson in all this suffering. What can I do right now to make it a little better? Sometimes it feels like we are just rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Then I remember the darkest days of the AIDS epidemic. There was a moment when we were heroes. There was a time when we had to make life or death decisions and learn to live with the consequences, no matter how painful. If you are able, now is time to help people living with HIV in Ukraine.

Naina Khanna posted this important message about how you can help:
Coalition PLUS is supporting its member in Ukraine, “CO 100% LIFE” (former Ukrainian network of people living with HIV/AIDS). We have been working with this organization for many years and they have been doing amazing work in the region and they have been preparing for this situation so they could act fast when it happens.

100% LIFE is currently trying to:

  • ensure continuity of care and ARV supply,
  • adapt their medical centers to care for war wounded, in particular in Podol and Oboloni districts of Kyiv,
  • mobilize global partners, inform and alert to the risks of health system collapse. They have launched an appeal to the UN Security Council and you can endorse it by signing the following Google Form: Appeal to the UN Security Council.

You will find more information on their Facebook page that is regularly updated.

100% LIFE currently has huge needs for financial support. Coalition PLUS has sent a first donation of $20,000 and we wish to send more money. If you want to support them financially you can find their banking details below and this means of support should be prioritized to ensure quick transfers.

We know some organizations and people struggle to send money to Ukraine due to banking restrictions (which is intolerable) or would be more comfortable if the money is to transit through another organization. We have therefore offered 100% LIFE to help with the fundraising. Small donations by card/PayPal can be made on Coalition PLUS donation webpage (https://don.coalitionplus.org). And bigger donations can be sent to Coalition PLUS bank accounts and I can provide all the information you need to make a transfer. Coalition PLUS can arrange to send the money to 100% LIFE as soon as we have your commitment to give without waiting for the transfer to be made so we can act fast.

All funds will be targeted to this operation. There will be no admin fee taken by Coalition PLUS and we can provide all necessary documentation to reassure you on the traceability of funds and to demonstrate the money has been sent to 100% LIFE.

Finally, there will be many other needs, in particular for refugees at the Ukrainian border and in European countries that will need to be supported and supplied in ARVs. Therefore if you hear of any initiative, please let us know and we will try to see how to participate and support. It is in these moments of crisis that the importance of networks and community solidarity must be most strongly expressed.”

Banking details
100% LIFE bank account (official name: Charitable Organization Ukrainian network of PLWHA)

IBAN                                         UA 49 380805 00000000 26006609414
BIC/ SWFT CODE                     AVALUAUKXXX
Bank name                               Raiffeisen Bank Joint Stock Company
Address of bank branch         Leskova str.9, Kyiv, 01011, Ukraine

Account Number                    890-0260-688
Bank name                              The Bank of New York Mellon, New York, USA
Currency                                   USD
SWIFTcode                               IRVTUS3N

Short name: CO  «100 PERCENT LIFE»
Registration number: 21721459
Legal address: 87-А building V, Mezhyhirska St., Kyiv, Ukraine 04080
In details please indicate: Charitable Aid”

I know these are tough times for everyone. Thank you for your consideration. Please know you are not alone.


Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

The Challenges of Leadership

Larry Kramer at podium with The Village Voice Logo on the front

I had a difficult if not contentious relationship with Larry Kramer. His last words to me were “fuck you.” I carry them as a badge of honor. As a leader in the fight to end the HIV epidemic, my job is to speak out against injustice and to fight for the communities hardest hit by HIV. I hope I can make Larry proud as we move to the next critical phase of our work, but I doubt it.

What does leadership look like as we fight to end the HIV epidemic by 2030 while also learning to live with COVID? Obviously, we all play different roles. Federal leaders and health departments face internal restrictions that are not the same for community. Community leaders have a responsibility to tell their truth because not everyone gets invited to the table. I always tell my staff that, when they get invited, they must speak-up, not with their voice, but with the voice of community.

Last week I got an invite from Dr. Laura Cheever, the administrator of HRSA/HAB, to talk about HRSA’s plans to end the HIV epidemic. That is leadership: to reach out to community before they ask for a meeting. To all the health departments and federal leaders, community expects to be at the table and part of the solution. We want our input to be valued and acted upon. Too often community is seen as an afterthought, something to be managed. Believe it or not, we can tell the difference. Thank you, Dr. Cheever.

I also want to thank Rita Harcrow from HOPWA/HUD for taking the time to discuss their EHE efforts. As I mentioned, NMAC was really pleased that HUD was at the table. We believe housing is core to our efforts to end the HIV epidemic. Our ability to safely house and provide quality medical care and mental health services PWHs is key to our EHE efforts. Along those lines, we hope that HOPWA/HUD, SAMHSA, and HRSA/HAB will consider collaborative funding arrangements so these services can be better integrated.

We remind our federal partners that we are looking for syndemic solutions. Our vision is to end the HIV, STD, and Hepatitis epidemics. That requires collaboration across federal departments and agencies at a level that is unprecedented. Some of you are working together, but there are key players missing. Isolation that leads to depression means that mental health services are essential for many people living with HIV. How will plans incorporate this essential service? Agency plans are due to the White House sometime in March. Now is the time to speak up.

It’s more than being invited to the table. We also want to see community in senior leadership positions. Too frequently there is diverse community representation, except for the government employees. While I am very grateful to Dr. Levine, how many transgender leaders hold government jobs? How many people living with HIV? How many people from the communities hardest hit by HIV? From my experience, way too few. It is not a matter of affirmative action; it is the understanding that representation matters.

The main difference between me and Larry is how we approached these inequities. Larry hated injustice. He hated a world that treated him like a second-class citizen. His anger was his motivation to change the world. For me it’s about love. I love my constituents. I love people living with HIV. I love people who take the risks to be their true selves despite what society tells them. They are my motivation to fight. They are the reason I’m still here after all these years. The privilege of getting old is you don’t care anymore what people think of you. I have earned the right to say some difficult things and like NMAC’s founding board chair Craig Harris said in 1986 at the closing APHA plenary on AIDS, “I will be heard.”


Yours in the Struggle,

Paul Kawata






Paul Kawata

Come to USCHA in Puerto Rico

I’m writing to invite you to the 2022 United States Conference on HIV/AIDS to be held in San Juan, Puerto Rico October 8-11 at the Convention Center. This meeting is NMAC’s love letter to the people of Puerto Rico. Between HIV, bankruptcy, Hurricane Maria, and COVID, it’s been very difficult. You may recall we were originally scheduled to be there in 2020.

NMAC (National Minority AIDS Council) is going to San Juan to:

  • Highlight HIV challenges in the Latinx community,
  • Bring much needed economic development to Puerto Rico,
  • Experience a city where English is the second language, and
  • Lean into Puerto Rican culture as a lesson on cultural sensitivity.

The 2022 conference theme is Luchando Por Nuestras Vidas (Fighting For Our Lives). It honors our past and speaks to the future. Unfortunately, luchando por nuestras vida is what too many of us do daily. We are all connected in our fight for a fair and just world.

Registration is now open. To be part of the conference block of rooms, you must register first. Early bird registration fees are $490 for NMAC members and $625 for non-members.

The scholarship section is live.  NMAC has committed to double the number of A&B scholarships. The majority of scholarships will be given to people living with HIV; however, there are never enough funds to cover all the need. NMAC will be transparent with our decisions and important demographic information will be shared in our newsletter.

Language Justice
The 2022 Opening Plenary will be in Spanish with simultaneous English translation. To end the HIV epidemic by 2030, NMAC believes our movement needs to not only understand, but also celebrate the cultures of the communities hardest hit by HIV. Latinx Gay men have surpassed White Gay men in the number of new cases of HIV. They are second in numbers only to Black Gay men in a race that nobody wants to win. We are going to San Juan to give attendees an immersive experience of the culture, music, food, and values of Spanish speaking communities.

Economic Development
Local businesses, especially those friendly to community, need our support and shipping to Puerto Rico can get expensive. NMAC is asking sponsors, exhibitors, and attendees to purchase locally when possible. Instead of shipping printed materials, NMAC will use local printers. Look for a list of vendors who are friendly to community to be posted on our website. If you need temporary help while in San Juan, NMAC is working with local CBOs to identify people living with HIV, particularly people with trans experience, to be hired as temporary help. As part of our fight for economic justice, temporary help will be paid at least $15 per hour. USCHA has a huge economic impact. According to the San Juan Convention Bureau, the meeting will provide jobs to over 1,000 people for over one month.

Puerto Rico Convention Center

The 2022 meeting will be at the Puerto Rico Convention Center. To be honest, I am not the biggest fan of convention centers. They can be too large and impersonal. However, it was the only space that could accommodate the meeting. At least this center is warm and inviting. No chicken lunches here. You can look for tostones, empanadillas, or mofongo. Music in the hallways will feature Puerto Rican artists including Bad Bunny, Luis Fonsi, Marc Anthony, Jennifer Lopez, and my personal fave Ricky Martin.

Hotel Accommodations
Multiple hotel blocks will be available for attendees. You must register to gain access to the official conference hotels. Rooms will be set aside in advance for scholarship recipients.

Most attendees will stay in one of two hotels. The Sheraton Puerto Rico is the host hotel and is located next to the convention center. Rooms at the Sheraton are $189-$229 per night (plus taxes). We also have a block at the Caribe Hilton. Rooms at the Hilton are $204 per night (plus taxes). The Hilton is located on the water a little further from the convention center. Buses will be provided. Hotel rooms are limited, so please register early.

COVID Protocols
NMAC is closely monitoring the conditions. All attendees are required to upload proof of vaccination one month in advance of the meeting. This information will be collected online and there are no exceptions because the space does not have the capacity to separate the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Thirty percent of the attendees are people living with HIV and our movement has a responsibility to their health and wellbeing. NMAC will follow all local ordinances so there may be additional protocols. Unfortunately, NMAC does not have the capacity to do both an in person and virtual USCHA. Like everyone, we are trying to figure out how to live with COVID.

I’ve missed everyone. It’s been too long. Hopefully we can hug, laugh, and cry together again. We are more than a faceless movement; we are a family. A slightly dysfunctional family, but a family nonetheless. When the International AIDS Conference went to South Africa, there were plenty of skeptics. I hope this meeting can do for the domestic fight what going to South Africa did for our international efforts.

Gracias. See you in October.

Yours in the Struggle,





Paul Kawata