Latest Past Events

ELEVATE Program Finale


Join us LIVE for a fond farewell to the ELEVATE Program, and a thank you to all the hands that shaped the work we achieved. Facebook: @NMACCommunity Instagram: @nmachiv

Despedida del Programa ELEVATE


Únanse al Programa ELEVATE en español de NMAC en Facebook LIVE el viernes 30 de agosto de 2024, de 1:30 PM EST a 2:30 PM EST. Estaremos celebrando y despidiéndonos de un programa de capacitación ELEVATE muy exitoso, enfocado en empoderar el liderazgo de las personas que viven con VIH y en involucrarse de manera […]

ESCALATE Farewell Livestream


Join NMAC’s ESCALATE Program on Facebook and Instagram LIVE from 1:30PM EST to 2:30 PM EST on Thursday, August 29, 2024, as we celebrate and close out a very successful ESCALATE training program aimed at reducing and eliminating HIV-related stigma in Ryan White HIV/AIDS Programs. We will share the experiences from NMAC staff, training facilitators, […]