Arlene Frames is a native New Yorker, a mom and grandmom, who at the age of 28 in her third pregnancy learned of her husband’s diagnosis of AIDS in 1987. After the death of her husband, Arlene took control of her destiny. She used her love and faith of God to obtain courage, hope, and tenacity to fight against all odds. Many odds were against her, being an African American heterosexual now-single mother with children. Learning early on how to advocate for her newborn baby, who was diagnosed with HIV, was essential. 36 years later, Arlene is now advocating for herself and others to the LA County Commissioner Care and Wellness collaboration, and other community outreaches and service providers. She has also been a member of the Presbyterian Board of Bible Enrichment International Fellowship for over 20 years. In addition, she started the first HIV faith base program in South Los Angeles in 1994.
Arlene Frames
Santa Monica, CA