Mary Lucero-Hill is a Ryan White Case Manager with 10 years’ experience in metro and rural Colorado and has been living with HIV since 2002. Mary helps those who are newly diagnosed through long-term survivors, get connected to services and remain in care. Mary is an advocate fighting for the rights of the People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWH), LGBTQ+, BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color), marginalized groups, aging HIV population, and individuals in her community. Mary is a former member of the Colorado Alliance Committee, and currently the Co-Chair for PWN-CO and Co-Chair for Improving Health Outcomes for PLWH COHAS Workgroup. Mary has participated in numerous other workgroups and advisory boards to help improve treatment and care services for those affected and at risk of acquiring HIV. Mary’s focus is to be an educator of external and internal stigma related to HIV, mental health, and substance use. Mary enjoys peace and solitude on the weekends, which contributes to rejuvenating her spirit to continue the work she does. Mary enjoys collecting positive affirmations to share with friends, family, coworkers, and clients.
Mary Lucero-Hill
Denver, CO